Visual Model Cell Senescence in a Cell Population

Baseline Settings

Telomere Shortening - Tissue Age  

This is an example of the effect of cell 
senescence on a cell population in tissue. 

A certain percent of cells are lost each 
cycle.  To replace them another cell divides 
to replace it.  When that happens both 
the mother and daughter cells' telomeres 
shorten. Over time the cell population's 
avg telomere length decreases.

A small percentage of the cells in the 
population are stem cells.  Stem cells 
have a higher replicative capacity than 
normal cells, represented here by a 
longer intitial telomere length.

In this model cells can divide 50 times.
As the cell's telomeres shorten, the opacity

Currently showing 25x25x8 = 5000 cells,
with 5% of those stem cells.

You can simulate adding a treatment to
relengthen telomeres here ->  
